KARLSRUHE, GERMANY – The Industrial Internet Consortium’s (IIC IoT Consortium) Journal of Innovation highlights innovative ideas, approaches, products, and services emerging within the industrial internet. In the November 2021 edition, aicas founder and CTO Dr. James J. Hunt co-authored an article with Dirar Harkeem (AASA Inc.) in the chapter Digital Transformation in Practice: Learning from IIC Deployments on an Automotive and Over-the-Air Update Testbed.
Companies are facing the challenges of digital transformation. Whether automotive or industry: many factors play a role in if and how companies implement solutions to the problems and improvements towards the digital future into their processes. Industry IoT Consortium (IIC) members partner to put theory into practice. They experiment, assess, and pilot new technology, solutions, and business models in testbeds and test drives. Results from testbeds and test drives inform members’ go-to-market strategies and offer guidance to industry about how to solve real-world problems. Learnings can be shared with industry partners to help businesses form and fulfil their transformational goals.
The IIC Automotive and OTA Testbed was initiated by AASA and aicas. Other current participants are Linaro and Bosch. The need for over-the-air updates is a result of industries digitally transforming towards software and artificial intelligence – both of which require the solution providers to reimagine the entire dev-ops cycle. A key component is bridging the IT/OT gap. OTA helps; doing so smartly, is key to product and transformation success. Connecting a vehicle to the internet is just the beginning of digital transformation. This testbed demonstrates how connectivity can be used for effective data collection and remote software lifecycle management. Keeping the vehicle-to-cloud connection secure, is essential for this transformation.
Please read the whole article here: https://iiconsortium.org/news/joi-articles/2021-November-JOI-Digital-Transformation-in-Practice-Learning-from-IIC-Deployments.pdf
Press contact aicas:
Jennifer Bortchen
+49 721 66 39 68 75