
Sep 29 2020


2:00 PM

Building Device-to-Cloud Industrial Intelligence

Restarting Industrial Operations: How to Build Device-to-Cloud Intelligence and Agility

Companies are looking differently at technologies to drive new business models as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes. In the wake of widespread manufacturing shutdowns and supply chain interruptions, what new approaches are companies taking to get back to market faster with the agility to weather dynamic changes for the long term? Join aicas, Amazon Web Services, and Klika Tech for this live, online event, and learn how IoT development kits have become the catalysts for adopting edge-to-cloud solutions for resilient and responsive industrial operations.


  • Johannes Biermann, President, aicas GmbH
  • Dmitry Buryi, Senior Project Manager, Klika Tech, Inc.
  • Juan Carlos Martinez Gil, IoT Business Development, Amazon Web Services
  • Moderated by Joe McGurk, Head of Corporate Communications, Klika Tech

Discover the business drivers and IIoT architectures that reduce times to market and lower costs and the steps companies are taking to manage embedded software and the flow of data from IoT device to cloud:

  • Technologies supporting post- COVID-19 business models
  • The business case for realtime software control and scaling for devices and data
  • Emerging IIoT architectures for device-to-cloud, operations-wide responsiveness
  • The steps to move quickly from PoC to implementation with an out-of-the-box platform and architecture that scales to meet custom requirements

Learn how aicas’ JamaicaEDP solution can be a springboard for edge automation, embedded software control, realtime data and analytics, and more, independent of HW or OS. Discover how cloud services such as AWS IoT Core are enabling companies to drive edge-to-outcome success.

Amazon Web Services, Klika Tech, aicas, or the companies’ affiliates, may contact you by e-mail following registration to provide additional event details and topical information.